Polyharmonic Maaß forms.
An implementation to compute polyharmonic Maaß forms from spectral families used in the paper "A classification of polyharmonic Maaß forms via quiver representations" with Claudia Alfes-Neumann and Igor Burban.
Hurwitz class numbers.
An implementation to compute Hurwitz class numbers modulo given 64-integers, including a set of scripts to analyse the results.
Scarcity of congruences for the partition function.
The scripts used in the paper "Scarcity of congruences for the partition function" with Scott Ahlgren and Olivia Beckwith.
The maximal discrete extension of the Hermitian modular group.
The script to compute generators of the maximal discrete extension and the associated fields of definition.
Modular forms of real-arithmetic types.
The scripts to compute Hecke operators and to compute saturations.
The build script and the stack-yaml file.
cd haskell/hlinear
.stack ghci hlinear
to obtain a ghci instance with hlinear loaded.On Direct Integration for Mirror Curves of Genus Two and an Almost Meromorphic Siegel Modular Form.
The Sage scripts used to compute Fourier expansions, and the resulting data.
Computing Genus 1 Jacobi Forms.
The expansions of vector valued modular forms that I computed.
M24 - Twisted Product Expansions are Siegel Modular Forms.
The Sage code used to compute the results and store them in machine readable form.
The modular forms framework.
A recent version of the modular forms framework, integrated into PSage, is available on GitHub. It does not, however, include all available implementations. PSage by now is dead. The modular forms framework does not compile with recent Sage anymore.
Computing Borcherds Products.
Example code and results that was used in this publication. Use my hermitian branch of Purple Sage.
Kohnen's limit process for real-analytic Siegel modular forms.
Sage files containing the computer assisted proofs.
Efficiently generated spaces of modular forms and the Böcherer conjecture.