Some of my publications come along with software or data. See the data and software section.

Alternative lists of my publications are available via ORCID and arXiv.

Note that the versions of my paper on arXiv or HAL usually do not coincide with published revisions, if not indicated otherwise. For some journals, I strongly recommend to use the arXiv version.

Research Publications


  • A classification of polyharmonic Maaß forms via quiver representations.
    Joint with Claudia Alfes-Neumann and Igor Burban.
    Accepted for publication in J. Alg. and arXiv 2207.02278 (2022).


  • Eisenstein series modulo p^2.
    Joint with Scott Ahlgren, Michael Hanson, and Olav Richter.
    To be uploaded to arXiv (2024).

  • The first low point in the theta cycle of modular forms modulo p^2.
    Joint with Michael Hanson and Olav Richter.
    To be uploaded to arXiv (2024).

  • Spectral decomposition and Siegel-Veech transforms for strata: The case of marked tori.
    Joint with Jayadev Athreya, Jean Lagacé, Martin Möller.
    arXiv 2404.06597 (2024).

  • Formal deformations of modular forms and multiple L-values.
    Joint with Adam Keilthy.
    arXiv 2404.03519 (2024).

  • Explainable Ramanujan-type Congruences on Square-Classes of Arithmetic Progressions.
    arXiv 2404.02672 (2024).

  • The Bernstein-Gelfand Tensor Product Functor and the Weight-2 Eisenstein Series.
    arXiv 2205.08226 (2022).

  • Eichler integrals and generalized second order Eisenstein series.
    Joint with Albin Ahlbäck and Tobias Magnusson.
    arXiv 2203.15462 (2022).

Notes incl. superseded preprints no longer intended for publication

  • Congruences on square-classes for the partition function.
    arXiv 1911.04925 (2019).

    This is completely superseded, and corrected, by my manuscripts on Relations among Ramanujan-type Congruences I & II.

  • Hyperelliptic Curves over Small Finite Fields and GPU Accelerators.
    arXiv 1805.11991 (2018).

    This publication suffered from the interdisciplinary dilemma: It triggered criticisms from mathematicians for its involvement of computer science, and from computer scientists for its involvement of mathematics. While I am still interested in both sides of the topic, the manuscript is technically outdated to an extend that when resuming work on the underlying questions, I will need to start from scratch.

  • Indefinite Theta Series on Tetrahedral Cones.
    arXiv 1608.08874 (2016).

    This manuscript was intended as a quick response to work of Alexandrov-Banerjee-Manschot-Pioline. It turned our more hasty than quick (slightly stronger conditions on the rationality of the cone are required, cf. Roth's theorem), but also taught me that for the time being I do not feel comfortable contributing to this field.

  • HLinear: Exact Dense Linear Algebra in Haskell.
    Joint with Alexandru Ghitza.
    arXiv 1605.02532 (2016).

    The manuscript describes a preliminary implementation of echelon normal forms in Haskell. The general critique has been that it is only superior to state-of-the-art C code for matrices with less than 20 rows. While I am convinced this can be mitigated, I can no longer justify the effort, after moving my modular forms computation from Haskell to Julia/Nemo.

  • Explicit computations of Siegel modular forms of degree two.
    Joint with Nathan Ryan, Nils-Peter Skoruppa and Gonzalo Tornaría.
    arXiv 1205.6255 (2012).

    This manuscript was intended as a survey of ad-hoc constructions for Fourier expansions of Siegel modular forms in conjunction with an explanation of multiplication in rings of invariant Fourier expansions. While the latter was already achieved in my paper "How to implement a modular form", the former suffered from irreconcilably different taste of the authors. This was also echoed by various referees.

  • Elementary divisor theory for the modular group over quadratic field extensions and quaternion algebras.
    arXiv 0907.2762 (2009).

    This manuscript was intended as a companion paper to "Hecke algebras related to the unimodular and modular groups over quadratic field extensions and quaternion algebras", summarizing some of the normal form theory needed in as explicit form as possible, following Siegel's style. The theory was already developed in less explicit form by Shimura. This was repeatedly brought up against this manuscript. In this light, it seemed reasonable to no longer pursue its publication.


  • Modular Forms are Everywhere: Celebration of Don Zagier's 65th Birthday.
    Co-Edited with Ken Ono, Kathrin Bringmann, Maxim Kontsevich, Pieter Moree.
    Research in the Mathematical Sciences, Topical Collection.

  • Siegel Modular Forms and Jacobi Forms.
    In preparation. Publishing agreement with Springer.

Various Publications
